Our Tax area is distinguished by its business orientation and we are passionate about providing solutions in a creative way, through our high quality service to local and foreign companies.

Our team brings together their legal experience to advise clients in all types of industries and sectors, being especially strong in taxation related to banking, finance, capital markets, retail, telecommunications and infrastructure.

Partners: Camilo Maruy, César Luna VictoriaVíctor Valdez

We have experience in the design and evaluation of fiscally efficient structures for local and cross-border transactions in mergers and acquisitions and project financing. Tax planning is also a main service for our clients in investment funds, local and foreign trusts, always focused on optimizing the investor’s profitability.

Rebaza Alcázar & De Las Casas is very active in representing contentious and non-contentious tax proceedings before the Peruvian Tax Authority. Our objective is to be the bridge for the achievement of the goals of our clients and their business needs, through an efficient and planned taxation.


The acquisition of Total Artefactos (“La Curacao”) by Tiendas EFE S.A., together with Linzor Capital Grupo Wiese and PQ Investments Ltd.

Advice to Andino Investment Holding in the financing of USD 85 millions granted by Goldman Sachs.

The acquisition of Banco Sudamericano and Banco Wiese, by Scotiabank.

The preparation of investment fund structures for various Administrative Societies for the Investment Fund (SAFI,s).

The sale of 50% of the stake in Mega Plaza in favor of Parque Arauco.

The transfer of 100% of the participation of Seguros Sura by Grupo Wiese and Grupo SURA in favor of Intercorp.

The representation of Interseguro Compañia de Seguros in the Contentious – Tax Process for the value assigned to the share transfer of Seguros Sura in the merger by absorption with Interseguro.

Nextel Peru’s acquisition of NII Holdings by Entel Chile.

Advice to the VanEck Fund and El Dorado Asset Management in the restructuring of the first Peruvian fund to invest in the ETFs.

Advice to Glencore in the takeover bid of USD 956 million and takeover of Volcan Compañía Minera.

Advice to a group of more than 100 shareholders in the sale of PECSA, a leading company in service stations and fuel retail, in favor of Corporacion Primax for a confidential amount.

Advice to Grupo Wiese and Familia De Osma in the sale of Hermes Transportes Blindados S.A. in favor of The Carlyle Group.

Advice to AmBev Peru in the sale of its production plant and other assets of the non-alcoholic beverages business of the PepsiCo brand in favor of the Guatemalan group CBC.

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