Senior Associate
Practice areas
- Tax
- Structured products, Funds and Securitizations
- Juris doctor by Universidad de Lima.
- Master of Laws (LL.M.) in Finance and Corporate Law, Universidad ESAN, 2018.
- Course on Financial Entities and Financial Operations, CIAT, 2020.
- Course on Anticorruption Strategies, Civil Service College, Singapore, 2017
T: (511) 442 5100
María José Blancas
T: (511) 4425100 A: 250
Miguel Ludeña is a Senior Associate of the Tax department. His practice focuses on tax advice to national and foreign companies, especially in financing operations, financial leasing, operations with derivative financial instruments, financial operations with securities – report operations and securities lending -, structuring of trust funds, funds of investment and mutual funds of investment in securities.
Miguel is a lawyer graduated from the University of Lima. He also holds a Master of Financial and Corporate Law with mention in Corporate Tax, awarded by the ESAN University, achieving a Magna cum laude distinction in his Master degree.
Miguel has post-graduate studies in Finance and Euoropean Law at University Carlos III of Madrid (2017) and in Financial wntities and Financial Operations at CIAT (2020).
In the academic field, Miguel has served as Assistant Professor of the Financial Taxation Course, at the Graduate School of the University of Lima.
He has more than 8 years of experience in tax advice to banking, financial, insurance and reinsurance companies, brokerage firms (SAB), fund management companies (SAF), pension fund management companies (AFP), mechanisms Centralized trading, securities clearing and settlement institutions (ICLV), among other entities participating in the financial and capital markets.
Before joining our Firm, Miguel was a Tax Consulting Manager at Ernst & Young. In the academic field, Miguel has served as Teaching Assistant for the Financial Tax Course at the Postgraduate School of the Universidad de Lima.
He is an Active Associate of the Peruvian Institute of Tax Law of the Peruvian Institute of Tax Law (IPDT) and of the International Fiscal Association (IFA) – Grupo Peruano.
He speaks fluently Spanish and English.